Arcane Teachings

Kardecian Spiritual Mass

"Without Charity there is no Salvation" Alan Kardec

We are currently Holding An Open Spiritual Mass

We are holding open spiritist masses as a way of opening up a world that is not often experienced by the public. This is a chance to witness the Latin American flavor of Kardecian Spiritism in action. Spiritism is much more than just holding spiritual masses. It is a cosmology in itself. Many people today are interested in mediumship and communication with departed loved ones. This is one part of spiritism. It is a very important aspect of spiritism. It allows the spirits that wish to communicate to do so through a variety of means. One of these is Full trance mediumship, another method used is scrying, and non-trance mediumship. A spiritual mass elevates the spirits of our ancestors while giving us a tool to further spiritual evolve ourselves. Spiritism is a rich path and offers personal growth to those who dedicate themselves to it. If you are interested in experiencing a spiritist mass first hand reserve a seat now.


God is the supreme intelligence and primary cause of all things. God is eternal, immutable, unique, omnipotent, supremely just and good. The Universe is a creation of God. It encompasses all beings, whether they be rational or irrational, animate or inanimate, material or immaterial.

Beyond the physical world, which is the habitation of incarnate Spirits (Mankind), there exists the spiritual world which is the habitation of discarnate Spirits. All the Laws of Nature are divine laws because God is their author. These Laws cover both the laws of physics and the moral laws.

Man is an incarnate Spirit in a material body. The perispirit is a semi-material body which unites the Spirit to the material body. Spirits are the intelligent Beings of creation. They constitute the World of the Spirits, which pre-exists and survives everything.

All Spirits are created simple and ignorant. They gradually evolve intellectually and morally, so passing from an inferior order to more elevated levels, till they finally reach perfection where they will enjoy constant happiness. All Spirits preserve their individuality, before, during and after each incarnation. Spirits reincarnate as many times as becomes necessary in order to achieve their own perfection. The different corporeal existences of the Spirit are always progressive and never regressive. The rapidity of their progress, both intellectually and morally, depends upon the degree of effort made towards betterment.

Spirits pertain to various orders, according to the degree of perfection they have attained at any one time: Pure Spirits, who have attained maximum perfection; Good Spirits, whose desire towards goodness predominates; Imperfect Spirits, who are characterized by ignorance, by their desires towards evil and by their inferior passions.

The relationship of Spirits with Man is constant and has always existed. The Good Spirits do their best to lead us towards goodness and uphold us during our trials, helping us to support them with courage and resignation. Whereas the Imperfect Spirits try to incite us towards evil.

Jesus is the guide and model for all Humanity. The Doctrine which he taught and exemplified is the most pure expression of God's Laws. The morality of Christ, contained in the Bible, is the indisputable itinerary towards progress for all mankind, and its practice is the solution for all human problems.

Man has free-will so as to act, but must respond for the consequences of his actions. The future life reserves penalties or compensations compatible and in accordance with Man's behavior while incarnate, as to whether or not God's Laws were respected.

Prayer is an act of adoration towards God. It is contained within Natural Law, being the result of an innate sentiment of Man, just as the idea of the existence of a Creator is also innate in Man. Prayer helps Man to become better. Those who pray with fervor and confidence find themselves to be stronger against the temptations of evil, and God sends them Good Spirits to assist them. This is help that is never denied to those who ask with true sincerity.

"To be born, to die, to be reborn again and to always progress, that is the Law."


The practice of Spiritism is held without any exterior cult, within the Christian principle that God should be adored in spirit and truth. Mediumship, which permits the communication of the Spirits with Man, is a gift which anyone can have, independently of whatever doctrinal guidance they may choose to follow. Spiritism respects all religions, values all efforts towards the practice of goodness and recognizes that "a true person of goodness is one who fulfils the laws of justice, love and charity in their greatest form of purity."


A Spiritual Mass is both beneficial to the person attending the mass, as well as the spirits that attend the mass. Often spirits will attend that will make use of a medium at the mass in order to put final businesses at rest, deliver a message, seek refuge, or merely to be heard. A spiritual mass helps to elevate the spirits associated with the people attending the mass. It also assists in the spiritual growth of the spiritist attending by use of prayer, spiritual cleanings, and can help to unify and strengthen the connection between a person and there spirits. Mediums that can achieve full trance mediumship can often have what appear to be violent or uncomfortable episodes during the mass that often result in full trance mediumship. If such a thing occurs there is no reason to be afraid or concerned. Well seasoned and trained spiritist's are close by to assist the medium in both allowing the medium to enter trance, and in bringing the medium out of trance when the time arises. This form of mediumship is much more drastic than many forms that are more popular. "This is nothing like watching John Edwards" Non trance or partial trance mediumship may occur and events similar to a medium such as John Edwards are frequent. But full trance mediumship is more akin to the events that transpired at 1800's British Saonces

We have posted a few of the Prayers used in a Spiritual Mass here.

This event is a basic indirection to the Latin American flavor of Kardecian Spiritism. Spiritism can be used as a tool, as well as a path. An Ancestors Table can be erected to establish a closer connection to ones ancestors. Offerings can also be given to ones ancestors. The principles and concepts taught within Kardecian Spiritism are powerful and often life changing.

We will provide everything nessicary
All attendees are encouraged to keep from wearing dark colors. It is suggested to wear a hat or headpiece. (Anything from a Bennie to a fedora is acceptable)
The Mass will begin at 6:00 PM and run until it finishes
If you want to reserve a seat Contact us

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