Arcane Teachings



Kardecian Spiritism full story...

Meditation and the tarot full story...

Kabbalistic roots of tarot full story...

How I became a medium full story...

Wise men and 2004 full story... .

This Month were are on Basic Tarot

Right now we are teaching a basic tarot class. We are half way through but if you are interested in joining the class to brush up before you take intermediate tarot just let us know. We have covered basic origins and history of the tarot , basic procedure for reading and several basic spreads. Coming up we have much more so we will be very happy to see you all at the next class. We started this site as an effort to give some basic resources for the tarot to our students, post articles and talk about upcoming classes and a bit about who we are.

A short Bio on us

Conan is a professional spiritual consultant. He has been reading Tarot in a professional setting for over 16 years. He is a gifted Medium and a Channel. He has interest in Afro-Carribean Folk Religion and Kardecian Spiritism. He has experience in a very broad array of metaphysical fields. Including but not limited to Tarot, Astrology,Yoga, mediumship, channeling, crystals and stones, shamanism, as well as work with pagan initiatory systems.

Aaron is a professional spiritual consultant. He is experienced with the Tarot, I Ching, Scrying and crystal gassing. He is a current student of the Kabbalah and the Western Mystery Tradition. He has a broad interest in metaphysics and knowledge of a broad list of topics. Including but not limited to, Tarot, Hermetic's, Thelema, Quabalah, ceremonial lodge work, psych ism, as well as West African Diaspora initiatory traditions.

Both Conan and Aaron are heavily involved in Kardecian Spiritism as well as natural earth based religions, and mysticism. Both are active in the study of spiritual evolution and spiritual balance in all of its forms.

What is Kardecian Spiritism

It is the collection of principles and laws, as revealed by the Superior Spirits, contained in the works of Allan Kardec, which constitute the Codification of Spiritism: The Spirits' Book, The Mediums' Book, The Gospel According to Spiritism, Heaven and Hell and The Genesis According to Spiritism.

Learn More about Kardecian Spiritism

©2004 Arcane Teachings