Arcane Teachings

Incense / Baths/ Herbs

How to use Incense, Spiritual Baths, and Herbs

Ever wanted to know how to use incense, make herbal baths, and use herbs for more than tea? This class will go over some of the basics on Incense making, the spiritual qualities of incense. As well as how to make a spiritual bath, and how to prepare spiritual waters, colognes, and oils out of herbs. There are hundreds upon hundreds of ways to use herbs. Most people would be amased at how many ways common kitchen herbs can be used in spiritual baths, for cleanings, floor mops, charm bags, and in incenses. Using spiritual baths is a time honored practice in Latin american spirituality, as well as in the alchemysts labs of europe. This is one of the most practical aspects of psychic heigine. If you like to be creative, or just want to learn more about working with herbs this is your class.

The Fluidic Universe

In Kardecian spiritism they teach that spirit has the properties of a fluid. They say all things are sontained within and a part of this fluid. In the western mystery tradition they teach that spirit is like Aether. A persons energy field is also like fluid. If a person has spiritual junk in there energy field it is like a dirty pond. The same can be said for a house, buisness, or any place there is. If the spiritual energy is dirty it is unpleasant, uncomfortable, uncondusive to learning, unstimulating for buinsess, and just dirty. Herbs hold wonderfull properties. Simple herbs like Rosemary and Thyme have properties that can be used to clean that spiritual fluid. They do more than clean because they can instill spiritual strength to a persons aura, promote health, and mental clarity. There are many herbs that can be used to clean the aura, clean a room. or a whole house. Different herbs do better burnt, some are used for baths. Working with herbs can be a rewarding and fulfiling expereince because you can achieve almost instant restults from using them. Knowing what herbs are used is what this class is for. We will show you methods used by the Healers of Mexico, the Santeros of Cuba, and the herbalists of America.

Everything from protection to success

There is not enough that can be said for spiritual baths. They are an integral part of our lifestyle and that is why we have choosen to teach them. Spiritual cleanliness is an importand part of everyones life. We as professional consultants take a high number of spiritual baths as should anyone who works in this field. Baths are not just to clean of the negative. They can help assist a person is bringing love, companionship, success, money, stabuility, growth, emotional stabuility, and can be used to release a lover, or an emotional problem. They can also be used as strong protection.

This class wil teach you the basics of preparing herbal baths, how to release an herbs potential with prayer, heat and herbs, how to correctly prepare waters and oils, we give recipies for many floor sweeps, baths, incense mixtures, and much more.

We provide all nessicary ingredients for the class
All students are encouraged to bring a notepad
The date for this class, its length, and price are still bieng decided based on interest shown.
If you want to take this class Contact us

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