Arcane Teachings

Intermediate Tarot Class

Intermediate Tarot Classes

The Intermediate Tarot class is for students of the tarot that would like to get more out of the readings they already do. As well as for those who understand the basic concepts within tarot but would like to take a deeper look at there symbolism, history and use. In this class We discuss more complex spreads, Numerology and tarot, the basic Quabalistic connection to tarot, healing with the cards, and methods for meditation and journey work with the cards. This is not a beginners course as we do expect students to know basic procedure for divining with tarot, and expect that the person attending the class has given atleast a small number of readings. If you really want to get to know your cards better, or just want to be a more effective reader. This class is for you!

The Tarot are more than tools for divination

The tarot date back into the 14th century, and the archeotypal symbols contained within them date back to recorded history. Tarot has been used as a powerfull tool by spiritual consultants, astrologers, magicians, witches, alchemysts, and mystics for hundreds of years. That is because the symbols within them can be used to progress spiritual development, and help understand situations as small as ones love life, and as large as the fate of nations. If your are interested in learning more advanced methods of using the cards, have interest in the meditative use of the cards or just want to be a better reader. Sign up now!

Growing as a reader

We all as readers find what can be termed dry spots. When we first started learning about Tarot it was fun and exciting, we continue to read and our rate of learning and expansion is enormouse. As with learning anything that excitment and rush of new information ebbs untill many readers stop doing readings, or continue at a much slower pace. This class is intended to respark that interest and create a new learning curve. The Truths contained within Tarot are timeless. We as readers and as students of the tarot have a lifetime of study in front of us if we so choose to persue it. In this class readers are encouraged to read for people they dont know,using methods they may have never attempted. We stress the need to continually grow as readers. Wether you read professionally or just as a personal interest, I can garuntee you there are ways to use the tarot you have never thought about. If you have an interest in a specific way of using tarot, or a specific aspect of its use or history there is a very good chance we can anwser your question.

Our class size is limmited so that we can be effective teachers. Sign up for this one early to ensure a seat.

In this Class we cover: Tarot and Meditation, Symbols in all 22 major arcana, Numerology within the Tarot, Quabalistic Pathworking and tarot, journey work with tarot, tarot and healing, tarot and past life information, Complex spreads, New ways to do old spreads, Ethics of reading in a professional setting.

This class is 16 hours of teaching. It is split into 8 two hour sessions, once session per week
We teach with the Rider Waite Tarot Deck (other tarot decks are welcome)
All students must bring a Tarot Deck, a notepad, and a journal (does not need to be fancy) We can provide for purchase at class
The Cost of the Class is $35 per 2 hour session or $240 for all 8 sessions (Thats one free session if payed up front)

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