Arcane Teachings

Basic Tarot Class

Basic Tarot Class

This is the beginners course we offer to reading tarot. We cover everything from where to store your cards to how to close your reading. We suggest this class to anyone who has interest in learning how to read the tarot. We feel the best time to start reading tarot if you are interested is right now. Thats why we have you doing your first reading by the end of our first session. We try with this class to bring the tarot out of the mystical and unaproachable and into the practical. We teach numerouse spreads, and time proven techniques on how to get to know your cards. As well as how to divinate with the cards we cover some of the basics on meditation with the tarot in this class as well. This class is wonderfull for anyone who has no experience with the cards as well as those who have casually used or studied them and are ready to get more sereouse. This class is four sessions that last one and a half to two hours. One session weekly. Contact us for information about when this class is running or check our Schedule.

Our Method of Teaching

One of our major goals is to make our subject matter aproachable to anyone. We try and custom taylor our classes as they progress to fit the interest of the students in the class. If there is a topic you are interested in learning do not hesitate to let us know. We use a combination of time tested exercises and techniques, and open discussion. We do lecture but we believe that a student must learn in a way that gets them the best results. Especcially in this Tarot class it is very importand that the student arives at his or her own conclusions about the meanings of the cards. Because of the symbolic nature of tarot it is importand that a connection with those symbols be made within each student. We spend more time allowing the student to discover the meaning of a card than telling the student what the "book" interpretation is.

Learning how to read

Every student is different. Two students given the same art project will rarely produce the same result. In this same way no two people read the tarot in exactly the same manner. It is true that some people are more apt to using tarot in divination than others. The other truth is that the symbolism is archeotypal and universal. If any student is willing to put the time and effort into learning to read tarot we are dedicated to helping them do it. Some people will find it comes quite naturally to understand the basic symbolism, others will find they can understand them but have trouble voicing that understanding. Every student has unique differences, and we try and work with people on a more intimate level because of this. For this reason our class sizes are limited. We want the student to get the most out of every session.

Participation is the greatest key to our classes. We are trained tarot readers. We had to start somewhere and we would be more than happy to help you start on a path full of insite. Tarot has enriched ourt lives and we hope it can do the same for you.

Class Includes:
History and Origins of the Tarot
What is the Tarot
Basic Tarot Spreads
Meditation and the Tarot
Basic Procedure for Reading

We teach with the Rider Waite tarot deck.
We suggest that beginners read Eden Gray's books on the Tarot
Students need to bring a Tarot deck, a notepad, and a journal (100 page notebook is fine)
We can make available all supplies for purchase at the time of the class.
Class is 8 hours long. It is broken into 4, two hour sessions, once weekly
Class Cost is $25.00 per 2 hour session or $80 for the full class


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